Monday, September 24, 2012

Design | Recycle, Save and Style

There is this guy out there (industrial designer Samuel Nelson Bernier) who takes recycling to creative level. His Project RE_ is a DIY haven that will tickle a greenie, saver, miser, inventor, xyz-er and/or kid in you. Kid you not! … ahem … never mind … For the iThingy lover who still wants to draw like in the olden days, we have a stylus made of a metallic paint brush, an eraser tip and some conductive foam. And Bob’s your uncle! And there is always a way to reuse those cans that lives up to the phrase “pushing iron”. 
There is a gal out there (artist Jihyun Ryou) who can show you how to “Save Food from the Refrigerator”. I like her. See, she listened to those who observed what food needs to survive without technology, i.e. the refrigerator. She listened to the traditional oral knowledge and designed little shelves with add-ons that let you dry that parsley how it’s supposed to be dried, keep those spring onions upright and at right humidity to stay fresh longer, store eggs so they do not absorb refrigerator smells and can be tested for freshness right there and then. Ooo! Yummy! Did I say I like her?
There are these two dudes (designer Yves Béhar and entrepreneur Assaf Wand) who banded together and made pill popping, or rather storing, dosing, transporting and cutting, a beautiful proposition to those of us who are on a pharmaceutical regiment. Sabi is the name. A pill folio?! One could not enjoy one’s secret life as pill popping celebrity in more style and still, at least initially, keep it under the radar. And if in a sharing mood, there is a pill splitter, too. Oh my my, the parties! But seriously. We all need nice design no matter the reason why those pills are in our lives.

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