Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Movies | “Glass of whiskey with an irresistible young actor”
One of the benefits, although
ever so dubious ones, of being sick and in need of bed rest is a possibility of
marathons. In my case it was movies. One set of selections was inspired by a
photo of Ezra Miller taken by Garance Doré at the Martinez Hotel during the Cannes
Film Festival 2012. It is a nice photo, non?
“Another Happy Day”: Some
families comprise of individuals that are dysfunctional, self-absorbed, neurotic,
argumentative, cynical, sensitive, mixed up, angry, and whatever else you want
to add here, who are more than willing to dish it out or spread around the “goodness”.
Cringe worthy viewing, if you are not into that sort of drama either at home or
otherwise, “Another Happy Day” is a wreck I kept on watching mostly because,
well, these people do not exist on celluloid only. I know a few…
“Beware the Gonzo”: High school misfit, outcast, and nerd revolt for the 2000s. Kind of cute and idealistic with a twist and some lessons to boot.
“Every Day”: Adults are sorting themselves out more clumsily than the kids.
I can see why IMDb rated them all below 7/10 and critics at Rotten Tomatoes were not more gracious (45% and below), but – remember – quality had a different meaning for me in this instance. We’ll see what becomes of him.
“Beware the Gonzo”: High school misfit, outcast, and nerd revolt for the 2000s. Kind of cute and idealistic with a twist and some lessons to boot.
“Every Day”: Adults are sorting themselves out more clumsily than the kids.
I can see why IMDb rated them all below 7/10 and critics at Rotten Tomatoes were not more gracious (45% and below), but – remember – quality had a different meaning for me in this instance. We’ll see what becomes of him.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Coded Candy | Chrome, Siri and little big details
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Music | Little Dragon to the rescue
Depending where you are, you
might be coming down from the pre-Christmas madness, celebrating the second Day
of Christmas, getting into Kwanzaa celebrations, or hopefully practicing the
idea of Boxing Day, or maybe not. Either way, any day is a good chill-out day,
especially, if you have been feeling the bundling up of pressure and things screaming
to be done-and-done-now, something that seems to inevitably happen when the
year comes closer to close. Strange that one… Little Dragon is a mellow band
from Gothenburg, Sweden, and chill-out is their game. Brush the heat – or,
brush off ‘the heat’.
Center. Breath in. Breath out. And repeat.
December Festivities | Kwanzaa
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The first U.S. postage stamp
commemorating Kwanzaa. Issued in 1997.
Relatively recent, created in
1966, Kwanzaa is an African-American and African-Canadian celebration of African
heritage that starts on December 26 and runs till January 1. This is not an
alternative to any Christmas or post-Christmas celebration; it is a day of African
pride, a day that stands on its own and celebrates seven principles of umoja (unity), kujichagulia (self-determination), ujima (collective work
and responsibility), ujamaa
(cooperative economics), nia (purpose), kuumba (creativity),
and imani (faith).
also: “The Black Candle”
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
December Festivities | Christmas Day
Lulajże Jezuniu, moja Perełko,
Lulaj ulubione me Pieścidełko.
Lulajże Jezuniu, lulaj, że lulaj
A ty go matulu w płaczu utulaj
znużone płaczem powieczki,
Utulże zemdlone łkaniem usteczki.
piękniuchny nasz Aniołeczku.
Lulajże wdzięczniuchny świata Kwiateczku.
Różyczko najozdobniejsza,
Lulajże, Lilijko najprzyjemniejsza.
Dam ja Jezusowi
słodkich jagódek
pójdę z nim w Matuli serca ogródek.
Dam ja Jezusowi
z chlebem masełeka,
włożę ja kukiełkę w jego jasełka.
Dam ja Ci
słodkiego, Jezu, cukierka
rodzynków, migdałów z mego pudełka.
Cyt, cyt, cyt
niech zaśnie małe Dzieciątko
oto już zasnęlo niby kurczątko.
Cyt, cyt, cyt
wszyscy się spać zabierajcie,
mojego Dzieciątka nie przebudzajcie.
Hush Little Jesus
Hush little Jesus, my little pearl, Hush my favourite little delight. Hush little Jesus, hush, hush But you lovely mother, solace him in tears
Close your
little eyelids, tired of weeping,
Solace the little lips, fainted from sobbing. (Refrain)
Hush, our
beautiful Angel.
Hush, you graceful little flower of the world. (Refrain)
Hush, you most
decorative little rose,
Hush, you most comfortable little lily. (Refrain)
I'll give Jesus
sweet little berries
I'll go with him into his Mother's heart's orchard. (Refrain)
I'll give Jesus
a little butter with bread,
I'll put a doll into his crib. (Refrain)
I'll give you,
Jesus, a sweet goody
raisins, almonds from my little box. (Refrain)
Hush! Hush!
Hush! Let the sweet little child fall asleep
Here it has already fallen asleep like a little chicken. (Refrain)
Hush! Hush!
Hush! You all go to sleep now,
don't wake up my sweet little child. (Refrain) |
Friday, December 21, 2012
December Festivities | Getting artistically cultural on Pancha Ganapati
December 21 through 25 – I am
down with Lord Ganesha, the Patron of Arts and Guardian of Culture, celebrating
a new beginning and mending of all past mistakes, plus since each day has a different
power color associated with it – golden yellow, royal blue, ruby red, emerald
green and brilliant orange – I am up for a real party.
December Festivities | Yule | Winter Solstice
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Photo from Celtic Queens |
Goddess gives birth to a son, the God, at Yule (circa December 21). This is in
no way an adaptation of Christianity. The Winter Solstice has long been viewed
as a time of divine births. Mithras was said to have been born at this time.
The Christians simply adopted it for their
[original emphasis] use in 273 C.E. (Common Era).
Yule is a time of the
greatest darkness and is the shortest day of the year. Earlier peoples noticed
such phenomena and supplicated the forces of nature to lengthen the days and
shorten the nights. Wiccans sometimes celebrate Yule just before the dawn, then
watch the Sun rise as a fitting finale to their efforts.
Since the God is also
the Sun, this marks the point of the year when the Sun is reborn as well. Thus,
the Wicca light fires or candles to welcome the Sun’s returning light. The
Goddess, slumbering through the winter of Her labor, rests after Her delivery.
Yule is the remnant of early rituals celebrated to hurry the end of winter and
the bounty of spring, when food was once again readily available. To contemporary
Wiccans it is a reminder that the ultimate product of death is rebirth, a comforting
thought in these days of unrest.
from “Wicca: A guide for the solitary practitioner” by Scott Cunningham
Monday, December 17, 2012
Music | Depeche Dad, or DMK do “Enjoy the Silence” lo-fi with major cute
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From Wikipedia – “Dicken Schrader is a
Colombian-American video artist, whose works include being a commercial
director, editor, motion graphics designer, writer, and creative director. He
is most noted for his YouTube viral videos featuring himself and his two
children, Milah and Korben, performing cover versions of Depeche Mode songs
using an old keyboard and various toys and household items as instruments.
In February 2012, the trio officially adopted the name DMK. As of July
2012, DMK has covered four Depeche Mode songs: Shake the Disease, Strangelove, Everything
Counts and Black Celebration.”
And now as of December
12, DMK has done this:
Dicken Schrader: Keyboard, xylophone, tambourine, soda bottle, maraca and voice | Milah Schrader: Ukulele, melodica and voice | Korben Schrader: Toy keyboard, can set and voice | Audio mix by Tato Lopera | Wardrobe by Carolina D'Lacoste | Music and lyrics by Martin L. Gore (Depeche Mode) |
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Music | Female singer-songwriters №6: Kimbra
I am hearing funk and Frank
Zappa calling… I don’t care. Sounds way nice.
December Festivities | Santa Lucia, ljusklara hägring let’s celebrate Luciadag and Lussinatt
Swedish: Santa
Lucia, ljusklara hägring = Saint Lucy, bright mirage
Danish: Luciadag = Day of Lucia
Norwegian: Lussinatt = Lucia Night
St. Lucia was born in Syracuse. Her parents were noble, wealthy and Christian. When still a young girl, Lucia dedicated her virginity to Christ; hence, as a teen she did not want to marry a pagan suitor – she meant every word of her vow. By that time Lucia’s Daddy was long gone, having died when she was an infant, and Lucia’s Mummy was quite unwell having developed a hemorrhage (cause unknown; we are talking late 200s C.E. here). One would imagine a marriage would be economically welcome. Still, Lucia being devoted persuaded her Mummy to pray at the tomb of St. Agatha for a cure instead. It worked. Lucia shared the nature of her vow and a desire to give her wealth to the poor. Mummy was so happy with the cure that she agreed. The pagan suitor was enraged. Since these were the times when the Christians were really out of favor in the Roman Empire, the pagan suitor, feeling rejected and obviously revengeful – because, honestly, what was this going to get him other than prove he was utterly parochial, but I judge with a modern mind, and also digress – accused Lucia of being a Christian in front of a judge. Lucia was not caving in. She stuck to her faith. The judge, a clever man… ordered her to a brothel. Crazy, ha? Somehow the guards could not move her to the house |
of sin; the burning to death also did not work; supposedly her eyes were removed –
or she did it herself at the outset – bit unclear here; with a thrust of a
sword to her throat she met her demise in 304. The day of Lucia’s martyrdom was
December 13th – the shortest day of the year according to the Julian calendar.
Winter solstice?! Pagan?! Not anymore, Gregorian calendar moved that to
December 21st. Still, Lucia means
light and Santa Lucia Day is a celebration of days becoming longer. More light, get
Roughly, what we have now is Swedish girls dressing in white and holding candles, one wearing candelabra as a crown, while handing out candy, cookies, cakes, coffee and glögg, Swedish boys dressing up as stjärngossar, in hats shaped like cones and decorated with stars, or as gingerbread men, Finns, Norwegians and Danes embracing what they need from the Swedish way, the latter "to bring light in a time of darkness” after World War II and centering on Christianity rather than being secular, for the populace of Caribbean island called Santa Lucia December 13th |
being a day of National Festival of Lights and Renewal, some Italians
making the day all about gifts from Santa Lucia where children are being rewarded for being good or bad by getting gifts or coals, respectively,
and having to respect Lucia with coffee, her donkey with a carrot and Lucia’s escort Castaldo, with wine even though they are advised to never watch Santa Lucia doing her delivery,
other Italians eat small biscotti shaped like eyes, light bonfires and candles, Sicilians do not eat anything made with wheat flour and switch to cuccia
Venetians are all about fried cheese, Swiss have Santa Lucia hand-in-hand with Father Christmas giving gifts to girls and boys,
Maltese also celebrate Republic Day. Free for all? Bring on the light!
“Santa Lucia’s Day in Second Life” video by Voff Uggla of “Living in the Virtual World Second Life”
“Santa Lucia” sang by Malena
Malena Ernman and Charles
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
December Festivities | Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Did you
notice it is 12/12/12? Beside the point. But then again, how could’ve Juan
Diego found flowers in bloom atop a typically barren hilltop, and what’s more,
flowers not native to his homeland? Such is the partial story of the Virgin
Mary appearing on the Hill of Tepeyac, Mexico. Mary in her Mexican guise went
through a title change in 1990s form Patroness
of the Philippines to Patroness of
the Americas, Empress of Latin America, and Protectress of Unborn Children. Ah, the
Popes and their crazy antics! The title of the Queen of Mexico seems to have stayed with her through it all. And
rightly so. She is quite something: wearing blue-green mantel with stars over an
exquisite golden dress tied high with a belt, she hovers above on a crescent
moon supported by a cherub with sunrays emanating all around her. Let’s not
forget that she was also identified as the Woman of the Apocalypse, by one Miguel
Sánchez, a Novohispanic priest, writer and theologian. She covers a lot of
ground being divinely dressed in Aztec symbolism, pregnant under that high sash
and a figure in the Book of Revelations, the final book of the New Testament.
She is Mexico. Hail The Queen!
Saturday, December 8, 2012
December Festivities | Hanukkah | Hava Nagila
There are many ways to play it…
Sunset, December 8 to
nightfall, December 16
December Festivities | Bodhi Day | Three Monks
Celebrated on the 8th day of the 12th lunar month of
the Chinese calendar, or December 8th in Japan, in many Buddhist
countries, Bodhi Day commemorates the day Siddhārtha Gautama got his
Buddha shit together after a prolonged sit-in under ficus religiosa – that is to say, he awoke, understood the nature of
things, became enlightened.
And figuring stuff out is what “Three Monks / The
Three Buddhist Priests (三个和尚, San
ge he shang)” is all about. This short animation was produced after the
Chinese Cultural Revolution and was released at the beginning of 1980s. The
story is based on an old Chinese saying “three monks, no water” or “One monk
will shoulder two buckets of water, two monks will share the load, but add a
third and no one will want to fetch water.”
“Three Monks” is a gentle treatise on
how pride can interfere with perceived work allocation and, in my mind, poses a
question “Is a major calamity really required for us to get our shit together
Thursday, December 6, 2012
December Festivities | St. Nicholas Day | Skip the saccharine and get real with Eartha Kitt, and some Queens
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St. Nicholas "Lipensky" Russian icon from Lipnya Church of St. Nicholas in Novgorod |
St. Nicholas Day is a European tradition. It is a day
on which Nicholas lives up to his reputation and brings gifts to children. Why
would this be restricted to the children is beyond me, and I take a cue from
wonderful Eartha Kitt – been awful good!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Fashion | Giorgio’s One Night with The Dragon
At the start of June 2012, Georgio Armani went to Beijing, China to showcase three of his collections. I am late to the party, but the festive season is now, so last minute checking out of what’s out there, in this case a.k.a. dreaming, is absolutely warranted. This Green Dragon Dress is sure something.
Read also: WWD “Giorgio Armani Wows Beijing” by Luisa Zargani and Kathleen E. McLaughlin
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Music | Female singer-songwriters №5: Terry Lynn
Gentle sounding wallflower Terry is not. She's all
Jamaican sound but this is no cocktail in the Caribbean sun kind of thing,
unless you are thinking Molotov. She talks of Jamaica as a place of “no unity, no love, nobody [getting] love
round [Jamaica] again” and stays optimistic in the face of violence,
corruption and poverty and what she sees and hears in Waterhouse – an impoverished
area of Kingston, Jamaica.
Alright, alright, it’s not all anger and gloom. She has dance tunes, too, like “Jamaican Girls”.
The System was shot on location in Porus, Jamaica utilising HD video shot by the Rickards Bros using PDR's still-photography techniques of the Afflicted Yard.
The composition, texture and use of natural light in The System is intentionally similar to a series of photographs taken by PDR in 2007 known as Friday Morning Market.
The photographs from this series documented a day in the life of a typical slaughterhouse located at the back of a community market in rural Jamaica.
In The System, the struggling of doomed animals, the brutality and indifference of the butchers and the slaughterhouse itself is presented as a series of visual metaphors that relate to the lyrics in Terry Lynn's song.
To be precise, the violence and nonchalance of the killers are direct references to the police while the pigs are a clear reference to the victims of police violence within a seemingly inescapable garrison - the slaughterhouse.
Monday, December 3, 2012
At Home | Not only for a rainy or gloomy day, but for always – a home library
Interesting Couple | Serge Gainsbourg & Jane Birkin
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© Helmut Newton 1978
Interesting to me on few basic fronts:
Their offspring, Charlotte Gainsbourg
“Je t’aime… moi non plus”
Jane’s swinging 60s style and the Hermès bag association
Serge’s provocative and “scandalous” offerings
Read also: Jane Birkin Official Website
Vanity Fair “The Secret World of Serge Gainsbourg”
Oyster #98: Charlotte Gainsbourg
Vanity Fair “The Secret World of Serge Gainsbourg”
Oyster #98: Charlotte Gainsbourg
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Music | Tricky tells it like is
"Ghetto knows that you don't deserve."
I have a soft spot for Tricky. He is one clever and intense mother.
To quote DominoRecords who uploaded this video on YouTube, “Ghetto Stars is a dark, tense and heavy track about the reality of the gangster lifestyle, too often glamourised in music. Tricky tells it like it is, "Ghetto Stars don't go far, ghetto traps locked behind bars" and "...riding in Zephyrs while my Nan plays the bingo.” ”
The track features vocals of Franky Riley. She penned it, too. Tricky describes how and what in his post on the “Mixed Race” album, “I wrote all Franky’s lyrics except this one. I just played her this dark, heavy track which I only had a chorus for, went out for a couple of hours, and… wow. She wrote exactly what I was thinking. It’s a gangster song, that tells it straight without glamorising it. Poverty breeds crime – people don’t just wake up in the morning and want to be a gangster. Some rap music glamorises the gangster lifestyle, I’ve had real gangsters in my family, three of my family have been murdered, two of them have been shot, one of them stabbed, I remember not seeing my uncle for years, and asking my great grandmother where he was and her saying he’s in prison but at least I know he’s safe, and at least I know where he is. Having friends like Freddie Foreman, they all tell me to keep going with my music – they say that there’s nothing glamorous about that lifestyle. Ghetto Stars don’t go far, ghetto traps, locked behind bars.”
I have a soft spot for Tricky. He is one clever and intense mother.
To quote DominoRecords who uploaded this video on YouTube, “Ghetto Stars is a dark, tense and heavy track about the reality of the gangster lifestyle, too often glamourised in music. Tricky tells it like it is, "Ghetto Stars don't go far, ghetto traps locked behind bars" and "...riding in Zephyrs while my Nan plays the bingo.” ”
The track features vocals of Franky Riley. She penned it, too. Tricky describes how and what in his post on the “Mixed Race” album, “I wrote all Franky’s lyrics except this one. I just played her this dark, heavy track which I only had a chorus for, went out for a couple of hours, and… wow. She wrote exactly what I was thinking. It’s a gangster song, that tells it straight without glamorising it. Poverty breeds crime – people don’t just wake up in the morning and want to be a gangster. Some rap music glamorises the gangster lifestyle, I’ve had real gangsters in my family, three of my family have been murdered, two of them have been shot, one of them stabbed, I remember not seeing my uncle for years, and asking my great grandmother where he was and her saying he’s in prison but at least I know he’s safe, and at least I know where he is. Having friends like Freddie Foreman, they all tell me to keep going with my music – they say that there’s nothing glamorous about that lifestyle. Ghetto Stars don’t go far, ghetto traps, locked behind bars.”
And if that wasn’t enough, here is Tricky and Franky’s take on “Piece of Me” originally done by Britney Spears.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Music | Female singer-songwriters №4: Rita Ora
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Full name: Rita Sahatçiu Ora.
Mezzo-soprano – which to me
translates as “She can ROCK it!”
Born in Pristina, Yugoslavia
and was moved the same year to London, U.K.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Music | Female singer-songwriters №3: Ana Tijoux
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from MundoGiras® |
Merino Tijoux (born 1977), commonly known by her stage name Ana Tijoux or Anita Tijoux, is a French-Chilean
musician. She became famous in Latin America as the female MC of hip-hop group Makiza during the late 1990s. In 2006,
she crossed over to the mainstream of Latin pop after her collaboration with Mexican
songstress Julieta
Venegas in the radio hit "Eres
para mí". Tijoux has often been praised for "exploring sensitive
matters devoid of violence." She gained more widespread recoginition
following her second solo album, 1977.
Tijoux is the daughter of Chilean parents living in political exile in France
during Augusto Pinochet's dictatorship of Chile.” – from Wikipedia
also: Los Angeles Times “Ana Tijoux: the political and the personal”
Music | Le Petit Soldat under Mao’s Moon
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“The Gift” illustration and
design by
Heung-Heung Chin, paintings by Trevor Brown
“Le Petit Soldat” posters by … let me know
I am OK with Jean-Luc Godard,
but I like the music on John Zorn’s “The Gift” better. Still, “Mao’s Moon” from
“The Gift” has the cinematic wistfulness that suits a B&W French movie from
early 1960s and certain notions a movie like that can arouse if not actually
watched – that is why a mash up of the two strikes the right note of around-five-minute-cool
– cool jazz and snippets of La Nouvelle
Vague. Except that “Le Petit Soldat” was not nostalgic. It was very
current. It was, and still is, idealistically rebellious and young and willing
to stand up for its convictions. After all, it dealt with darker themes – Algerian
War and torture.
Ah, the duality of art! Sean Westergaard wrote at allmusic by rovì about John Zorn’s “The Gift” that “despite
the undeniable beauty of the music, underneath the pretty pink wrapping and
bows of the outer slipcase, Zorn has included several paintings of young
girls in the cover art that some people might find slightly disturbing, as if
to underscore the idea that beauty itself is highly subjective” (and the girl
with a gun is not the worst of it; sadly). So it’s a match! Both packages, the
movie and the album, mess with us! Poke at us!
Since I find the artwork for “The
Gift” more than “slightly disturbing”, having part of its music enveloped in Godard’s
– albeit dissociated – cool works for the times when one feels pragmatically compliant.
Hear the album. See the movie.
or go here
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
At Home | SoCal Modern Beach Digs by Richard Meier and Michael Palladino
Between a highway and the
Pacific Ocean stands a white house. All 4,280 square feet / 398 square meters of
it. Richard Meier & Partners Architects worked on this house for about two
years, and made sure it is open to the vistas around it and inside, except for
some living areas which are hidden, for privacy. I suppose taking the shower in
the full view of north bound traffic is a thing for only a few… hey, there is the ocean on the other side to
plunge into if the urge takes. It’s right there across the beach…
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See more at Richard Meier & Partners Architects LLP site
Friday, November 23, 2012
Movies | Well, that’s just one fine educational piece
This is reasonably thorough and quite diverse, I say. There is a piece for every occasion. Everyday. Oh goodie! |
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Random | dolce far niente
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“Dolce far niente / Sweet nothings”
John William Godward (1861-1922)
Oil on canvas; Private
dol·ce far nien·te – noun\’dōl-chē-,fär-nē-‘en-tē\
doing nothing ~ pleasantly doing nothing ~ pleasant idleness ~ carefree
idleness ~ pleasant relaxation in carefree idleness ~ delightful
idleness ~ yes ~ “In Praise of Idleness” by Bertrand Russell (1932)
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